Senior Product designer in London

My virtual sketchbook

My virtual sketchbook from University

Final major project #8 Sketches and designs


I found sharing an XD link to be a good way to get feedback but also to show my design process which would allow the user to interact with it. Here is a link:


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Above are some screenshots showing how I went from sketching ideas of how I want it presented in a space to 3D modeling. I found that 3D modelling Alaa Saleh’s face very challenging and  found Clo3D more efficient than blender to create the tobe. As well as, in thinking about how to present the patterns of the tobe and the typography to use I have taken some inspiration from Yinka Shonibare.


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The way he subtly presents African patterns is something I like from his work, and might help me think about how to present the different patterns on the tobe. Also, a suggested name for this project was “invisible histories woven’ .